「Java」「Interface」 instanceof來判斷是否有實作interface

interface Interface{
 //Interface inter1 = new Super();//錯誤,Cannot convert Super to Interface
 //Super sup1 = new Interface();//錯誤,Cannot convert Interface to Super

class Super{
 //Interface inter1 = new Super();//正確,假如父類別繼承Interface
 //Super sup1 = new Interface();//錯誤,Cannot convert Interface to Super

public class Sub extends Super implements Interface{
 public static void main(String[] args) {
  Interface inter = new Sub();
  System.out.println(inter instanceof Object);
  System.out.println(inter instanceof Interface);
  System.out.println(inter instanceof Super);
  System.out.println(inter instanceof Sub);
  Super sup = new Sub();
  System.out.println(sup instanceof Object);
  System.out.println(sup instanceof Interface);
  System.out.println(sup instanceof Super);
  System.out.println(sup instanceof Sub);
  Sub sub = new Sub();
  System.out.println(sub instanceof Object);
  System.out.println(sub instanceof Interface);
  System.out.println(sub instanceof Super);
  System.out.println(sub instanceof Sub);
  Interface inter1 = new Super();//錯誤,Cannot convert Super to Interface
  Super sup1 = new Interface();//錯誤,Cannot convert Interface to Super
  Sub sub1 = new Interface();//錯誤,Interface is not a Sub
  Sub sub2 = new Super();//錯誤,Super is not a Sub





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